Monday, August 17, 2009

A Fishing Trip

It was a day before National Daywhich was on 8th August 2009. My father drove the whole family to Lower Pierce Reservior to catch prawns, fishes and lobsters.

At about 6p.m., we reached the reservior. We found a shady spot and laid our mat. I got thebaite which is bread, my pail and the net.I was lucky to find a good spot where I can catch because there many tiny prawns there. It was quite difficult to catch the prawns as they sawn very fast. There also many big rocks which we can sit on it while fishing. I went to get a fresh bread.

After taking the fresh bread, I found a 2 LOBSTERS and a SOON HOCK FISH. I was uneable to catch the lobsters and the soon hock fish, but my father helped me to catch the soon hock fish.The lobster were difficult to catch because they are usally hinding in the holes and do not want to come out. At fisrt, I realised that there was something like a rock but it isn't. so I tried to poke it using my stick and found it soft. After further looking, I realised it was a fish and I called my father. My father came and helped nme, We managed to catch the fish. While I was catching the lobsters, my father went to look for another place to catch fish. After the long catching, my father finally caught a Japanese Fish.
We put the Soon Hock fish in a container and it suddenly jumped out. At about 7p.m. we went home. My brother and I had so much fun and we had an enjoyable day.